The Glass Embassy


Continuous dialogue and a strive for understanding is the key to a truly democratic world-society. A constant negotiation of boundaries built on foundations of care and courtesy. Democracy sets fragile boundaries, gently separating differences and negotiating freedoms. Those boundaries are set on a foundation of understanding and the assumption of what is true.

This site aims to challenge some habits set by the current social imaginary, habits where one through experience, culture and differences sets prejudgments and prejudice when introduced to an unknown. For a true democracy, those habits will need to change.

Typically, when two human beings meet for the first time, assumptions are made about each other; those assumptions are typically called ‘prejudices’. Eventually we might get to know the ‘truth’ about those who we meet, and we reach some point of understanding and clarity. Understanding can take many forms; an agreement on the acknowledgment of the difference of opinion two parties may have is understanding and a fusion of horizons. A fragile threshold is created by the merging of the two horizons. Its fragility lies in its instability caused by the human condition.

Here, the normal sequence of human to human understanding is reversed.

Answer some questions and then explore other people’s responses.